Vol.13, No.1 (NO.98) 2021.6

Chih-Ming Chen  & Ding Cao

Numerous studies have confirmed that increasing vocabulary size is a critical part of learning English as a foreign language (EFL). The rapid development of mobile and game technologies has encouraged instructors to consider the potential of Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) with game. However, a mobile learning game that supports effective English vocabulary learning can only be designed after the effects of key design factors, including concentration, feedback, matching of the challenge to player skill, control, and immersion, on learning performance, have been examined. Therefore, this study assesses the effects of two different game-based English vocabulary learning apps with significantly different game design factors on learners’ performance, sustained attention, relaxation, and vocabulary retention. Analytical results reveal that learners who used the game with weak game design factors exhibited significantly better vocabulary learning performance, retention, and relaxation and significantly lower sustained attention level than those who used the game with strong game design factors. This study also verifies that gender differences existed between the two game-based English vocabulary learning apps with different game design factors. Girls achieved significantly better English vocabulary learning and retention in the game app with weak game design factors. Additionally, based on an interview with several research participants, “matching of the challenge to player skill” and “feedback” were the most important game design factors in game-based English vocabulary learning apps.DOI: 10.6575/JILA.202106_(98).0001

彭于萍、陳柏廷 / Yu-Ping Peng  & Po-Ting Chen

近年大學圖書館館藏型態的變化影響使用者資訊尋求行為,而圖書館需支持學生達成學習及研究成功的目標。有鑑於電子期刊資源滿足碩士生課業及研究需求之重要性,本研究以輔仁大學所有學院碩士生為研究對象,採用質性深度訪談法,共訪談23位受訪者,探討碩士生搜尋、篩選及取得電子期刊論文之經驗、管道工具、檢索策略、遭遇障礙等概況。研究結果可作為大學圖書館提供碩士生期刊資源服務策略與實務之參考,並提供相關實務建議。DOI: 10.6575/JILA.202106_(98).0002

陳柏溢、陳冠至 / Bo-Yi Chen  & Kuan-Chih Chen 

中國古代藏書事業興起甚早,且十分發達。在清代,浙東的紹興府憑著當地造紙業的發達,不論是在刻書,抑或是藏書事業上,可謂大家輩出,藏書成為了一種區域風尚。本文試圖以生活文化史的角度,進行相關史料的發掘、歸納以及整理工作,除了列舉清代紹興府較為知名的藏書家以及他們的藏書事蹟、社群生活外,更進一步地嘗試運用數位人文科技,針對清代紹興府的藏書家社群進行解析,然後描繪出其社會網絡模型,藉由掌握藏書家之間的社群性,來窺探在地藏書時代風尚的生成背景。目前鮮少有人以這樣的方式展現出研究成果,本文希望以此為出發點,往後擴大研究範圍,以便在未來呈現提供各界參考。DOI: 10.6575/JILA.202106_(98).0003

胡素菁、林雯瑤 / Su-Ching Hu & Wen-Yau Cathy Lin 

臺灣學生在高中時常被要求依照學校提供之書單閱讀書籍,在我國力推學生的閱讀素養之際,讓人好奇高中書單的內容。本研究利用計量方法,以105-107學年度140所高中的403份閱讀書單為研究對象,分析其書目內容。研究結果顯示,創作形式方面原創華文書籍與翻譯書籍比率相當,蔣勳為高中閱讀書單中最重要的作者,出版社方面則以時報文化數量最多,被列入書單的書籍出版年分布於1970年至2019年,但特別集中在2015年至2017年間。本研究建議教師、館員及出版商在編定書單時,應確認所列書籍是否符合學生的需求,並加強書目的品質。DOI: 10.6575/JILA.202106_(98).0004

林巧敏、王立勛 / Chiao-Min Lin  & Li-Hsun Wang 

中國國民黨庋藏之檔案資料為海內外研究中國近代史重要資料來源,2018年政治大學與中國國民黨簽署「黨史資料委託管理合作協議書」,將此批史料移至政治大學社會資料中心典藏。政治大學社資中心接受黨史檔案委託代管後,著手對於此批檔案之整理與數位化工作。本文介紹黨史檔案掃描與建檔作業原則,並提供運用數位人文工具協助自動分類之經驗,期許可提供其他典藏機構進行檔案數位化及內容分析工作之參考。DOI: 10.6575/JILA.202106_(98).0005