Yu-Jung Cheng & Jen-Chun Chen / 鄭有容、陳振鈞
This study explored differences in information needs for reading among foreign immigrants from different cultural backgrounds who immigrated to a new country. The study involved a structured interview with 22 Vietnamese and Indonesian immigrants living in Taiwan, and applied a qualitative approach to analyze immigrants’ information needs for reading and their experience participating in library reading activities.
The study indicated that Vietnamese and Indonesian immigrants face similar struggles in the process of adapting to daily life and gathering relevant information after immigrating from geographically adjacent areas to Taiwan and that they exhibit several daily information needs for reading. Their information needs for reading can be divided into four categories: language learning, parent–child reading, schoolwork guidance, and leisure and entertainment. This study also revealed that cultural differences lead to different reading information preferences between Vietnamese and Indonesian immigrants.
By incorporating cultural differences into library services, libraries can effectively support immigrants and reduce potential conflicts arising from immigration. The findings provide insights for libraries worldwide, enabling them to promote the utilization of their resources and design customized reading services that cater to the specific cultural preferences of immigrant populations. Libraries should consider the unique information contexts of Indonesian and Vietnamese immigrants, as well as the influence of international marriages on reading preferences. Incorporating elements of immigrants’ native cultures, such as art, folklore, cuisine, and language, can attract immigrants and facilitate their integration into the new society. DOI: 10.6575/JILA.202306_(102).0001
本研究以合作教學個案進行分析,探討採文學圈小組討論方式融入「英文閱讀自主學習」課程教學中,是否能提升高中生英文閱讀能力及課外閱讀態度,以協助高中生建立英文自主學習模式。研究採用前實驗研究法之單組前後測設計,施以兩個學期的文學圈小組討論引導,經由量表之前後測差異,瞭解文學圈小組討論對於英文閱讀態度及學習成效的改變,並於課程結束後進行訪談,探討採用文學圈小組討論對於自主學習態度的影響。研究結果顯示文學圈討論方式雖無法在短時間內獲得學習成效的改善,但學生認為文學圈討論可帶來學習成就感,對於學習興趣之前後測比較,達到統計的顯著差異。最終根據研究結果,提出英文閱讀教學建議。DOI: 10.6575/JILA.202306_(102).0002
近年來,全球響應創客風潮,創客空間的建設理念與風氣亦拓及臺灣的大學圖書館,使其成為集學習、討論與創意於一體的多功能綜合性圖書館。本研究以2019年開設的政治大學達賢圖書館創客空間為例,針對曾使用創客空間的學習者、教師及館員共30位受訪者進行訪談,以得知其使用經驗及看法,可歸納三構面21細項的經營實務芻議,且知學習者、教師和館員對於當前的創客空間尚稱滿意,初階學習者與資深學習者學習成效與需求雖不同,但多持正面回饋,並建議欲增加其他院所之使用,需獲得更多人力及經費上的支持,且與校內資源合作,建立完善的社群與使用者回饋制度,營造具備合適場域、充足資源、優質服務,創新學習風氣的創客空間,以達到創意交流之目的。DOI: 10.6575/JILA.202306_(102).0003
圖書資訊學人研究於本學門而言彌足珍貴,其在推動學科沉澱與自省之際,幫助圖書資訊學人審視學門的人文價值內涵,實現人文理性回歸。本文從評論錢亞新系列研究成果的內容與價值切入,提出圖書資訊學人研究的一般取徑與方法。首先,圖書資訊學人研究須重視各類型原始資料的蒐集與整理;其次,循序漸進開展圖書資訊學人研究;最後,在與圖書資訊先賢跨時空「對話」的過程中實現自我成長與精神傳承。DOI: 10.6575/JILA.202306_(102).0004
榮予恩、林巧敏 / Yu-En Jung
& Chiao-Min Lin 
DOI: 10.6575/JILA.202306_(102).0005