賴鼎銘 From 1978 to 1990, fifteen library schools in the United States were closed. In the near future, more and more library schools are facing the same fate. Budget cut, increasing tuition and few student enrollments seem to the main reasons. However, school administration and politics play a crucial
美國圖書館學研究所為什麼關門? / Why Are Library Schools Shut Down? 賴鼎銘 圖書館之旅:自助式錄音導遊 / An Introduction to Self-guided Audio Library Tour at Three Academic Libraries 鍾雪珍 續論國內博碩士論文整合商榷 / The Continuous Research on the Integration of Dissertation in R.O.C. 江守田 標準資料概說 / An Introduction to Standard Materials 高立範 社會科學資